Black Jaq from Antarctic PressWriter: Bradley Golden Pencils/Inks: Carlos Tran Colorist: Mickey Clausen Lettes: Hector Negrette
Action Mice!Action Mice! If you crossed G.I.Joe® and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles® you’d get ACTION MICE, a specialized military task force of...
N-Guard Character DesignsJust finished the Colour turnaround sheets for the five main N Guard characters, Boon, Kat Nipp, Klondike, Quickstep and Chirp. LET'S GET...
Fist of Justice #2 Switch-a-roo!Fist of Justice #2 was originally solicited with a Captain America homage cover (which originally was slated as a variant for #1, seen in...
N-GUARD # 1N-GUARD #1 COMING IN JULY 2008 FROM MARKOSIA COMICS Pencils by Jackson Inks, Colors & Letters by Mickey Clausen of MindWinder Studios ...